Saturday, December 10, 2011

C++ operators

The different types of C++ operators and their usage are explained in the following sections. In C++, there are some unusual operators used to perform the task of logical decision making, unlike the other higher level languages.

C++ operators    -      Arithmetic operators
                            -       Assignment operators
                            -       Comparison and logical      -      Relational
                                                            operators     -      Equality        
                                                                                -      Logical
                            -       Bitwise logical operators    
                            -       Special operators     -     Unary operators                                  
                                                                           Ternary operators
                                                                           Comma operators
                                                                           Scope operators
                                                                          New and delete
                                                                          Other operators

Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operators are the basis and common operations performed using any computer programming. Normally, these operators are considered as basic operators and known as binary operators as they require two variables to be evaluated. For example, if we want to multiplier two numbers, one has to enter or feed the multiplicand and the multiplier. That is why it is considered as a binary operator. In C++, the arithmetic operators used are as follows:

modulo (remainder of an integer division)
   The operators  / (slash) for division deserved a special attention. If we divided an integer by another integer, we obtain an integer value.
  39/5  = 7
  If in the division x/y at least one of the operands x and y is of floating point type, the subtraction and multiplication. For the letter operations the value of the result is not seriously affected by the type of operands.
    For example,
    4 + 3 = 7              (integer type)
    4.0 + 3.0 =7.0      (floating point)
  x_integer / y_integer  =  result_integer
  x_integer / y_ float  =  result_ float
  x_ float / y_integer = result_ float
  x_ float /y_ float =  result_ float
  39/7.0 = 5.57
  39.0/7.0 = 5.57
  39.0/7 = 5.57
  39.0/7.0 = 5.57
The result of the division obtained by the / operator is called the quotient. Integer division has another interesting result, namely the remainder, obtained by the operator %.
   For example,
    39 % 5 gives 4 , since 39 = 7*5+4
Expressions  An expression is a collection of data object and operands that can be evaluated to a single value. An object is a constant, variable, or any other expression.
  The most general form is,
                   objectl expression object2
The result is a new data object.
For example,
    2+3 evaluates   5
    3-7 evaluates   -4
Note that the use of the blanks has no effect on the evaluation of the expression. The parentheses are used to improved readability of the program and also to avoid user errors. That means, the evaluation should be carried out as per the precedence rules defined in the C++ compilers.
     Arithmetic operators as per precedence:
            ( )     for grouping the variables
             -          (unary for negative number)
             * /      (multiplication and division)
             + -  (addition and su8btraction)
  For example, if the following expression is not properly grouped using parentheses then the computer will evaluated as per the precedence.
                  x + y * x – z               where   x=5,       y=6   and    z=8
                  5 + (6 * 5) – 8
                  (5 + 30) -8
                  35 – 8
                                               the result is27 
Suppose, if we intended to evaluate the above expression as (x+y) * (x-z) then the parentheses will be evaluated because it has the highest priority and the result will be different from the previous expression.
      (5+6) * (5-8)
      11 * -3

Assignment Operators
An assignment operator is used to assign back to a variable, a modified value of the present holding.










Assign right hand side (RHS) value to the left hand side (LHS)

Value of LHS variable will be added to the value of RHS and assign in back to the variable in LHS

Value of LHS variable will be subtracted from the value of LHS and assign in back to the variable in LHS

Value of LHS variable will be multiplied by the value of RHS and assign in back to the variable in LHS

Value of LHS variable will be divided by the value of RHS and assign in back to the variable in LHS

The remainder will be stored back to the LHS after integer division is carried out between the LHS variable and the  RHS variable

 Right shift and assign to the LSH 

Left shift and assign to the LHS

Bitwise AND operation and assign to the LHS

Bitwise OR operation and assign to the LHS

Bitwise complement and assign to the LHS

  The symbol = is used as an assignment operator and it is evaluated at the last. Remember that equal to (=) is an operator and not an equation maker and hence, it can appear anywhere in place of another operator. The following are valid C++ statements.
a = b = c+4;
c = 3* (d = 12.0/x);
For example,
   x  += y is    equal    to x= x+y
   x   -= y is    equal    to x = x-y;

Comparison and Logical Operators
For program flow, the comparisons as well as the logical operators are required. The com parison and logical operators can be grouped into three. They are relational operators, equality operators and logical operators.
| |
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater then or equal to
Equal to
Not equal to
Logical AND
Logical OR

(a) Relational operators   Relational operators compare values to see if they are equal or if one of them is greater then other and so on. For program flow, the comparators and the logical operators are essential Relational operators in C++ produce only a one or a zero result. These are often specified as “true” or “false” respectively, since these are the only two values possible. The following operators are used to perform the relational operations of the two variables or expressions.
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater then or equal to

The relational operators are represented in the following syntax,
         expressionl relational_operator expression2
The expressionl will be compared with expression2 and depending upon the relation like greater then, greater then or equal to and so on, the result will be either “true” or “false”
   For example,
3 > 4
6 <= 2
10 > -32
(23*7) >= (-67+89)
(b) Equality operators  The following operators are used to check the equality of the given expression or a statement. These operators are normally represented by using the two keys, namely, “equal to” by the operator == and “not equal to” by !=. Not that the single “equal to” sign is considered as an assignment operator in C++. Proper care must be taken while using these operators.
= =
! =
Equal to
Not equal to
  Like the relational operators, the equality operators also produce the result, either “true” or “false”, depending on the condition used in a program. The following examples show the usage of equality operators.
    For example,  a = 4, b = 6, and c = 8
              Expression            Result
              a = = b                   false
              (a*b)  ! = c          true
              ‘s’  = = ‘y’               false

(c) Logical operators  The logical operators && and | | are lower in precedence then the relational operators < and >, which in true are lower than + and -. The operator && is higher in precedence than the operator | |. In some other languages, the logical operators are placed higher than the relational operators, which require parentheses.

| |
Logical AND
Logical OR
(i) logical AND   A compound expression is true when two conditions (expressions) are true. To write both condition, the operator && is used in the following manner,
                     expressionl && expression2
  In the two expressions, the conjunction must be integers. The char data are converted to integer and are thus allowed in the expression.
  The result of logical operators are :
true && true
true && false
false && true
false && false


For example,
       a = 4, b = 5, and c = 6
       (a < b)  && (b < c)
       (4 < 5)  && (5 < 6)
      true && true
(ii) Logical OR similar to the logical AND is the logical OR, which has the form;
              expressionl | |  expression2
   and evaluates to true if either expressionl or expression2 is true.
The result of logical OR operators are:

true | | true
true | | false
false | | true
false | | false
For example,
   a = 4, b = 5 , and c = 6
   (a < b ) | | ( b > c )
   (4 < 5 ) | | ( 5 > 6 )
    true | | false
  In the logical OR operator, if one of the expression is true, then it yields true.
(iii) Logical negation operators   A logical expression can be changed from false to true or from true to false with the negation operator !.
    The result of logical negation operators are
! (true)
! (false)
The general form of the expression
                  ! (expression)
Depending on the condition of the expression, i.e., whether it is true or false, it will complement the result.
   For example,
   a = 4, b = 5, and c = 6
     !   (a < b ) | | ( c > b )
     !   (4 < 5 ) | | ( 6 > 5 )
     !   ( true)   | | true
     false  | | true
This expression evalutes to true.
     !   ((a < b ) | | (b > c))
     !   ((4 < 5) | | (5 > 6))
     !   (true     | |    false)
     !   (true)
  The above expression evaluates to false.
   The negation operator has a higher level of precedence then && and | |. Parentheses are usually necessary to reduce unwanted or unexpected results. Since the logical AND has a higher precedence over the logical OR, care should be taken to use parentheses wherever required.
    For example,
                   expressionl | | expression2 && expression3 | | expression4
In the computer the above will be evaluated as
              expressionl |  |( expression2 && expression3)  | | expression4
Suppose it is intended to evaluated the above compound expression as
             (expressionl | | expression2)  &&  (expression3 | | expression4 )
then, it is advisable to use parentheses to avoid undesirable results.
   For example,
   a = 4, b = 5, and c = 6
     (a < b) | | (b > c)  &&  (a  >b) | | (a > c)
     (4 < 5) | | ( 5 > 6)  &&  ( 4 > 5) | | ( 5 > 6)
      true | | false && false | | false
      true | | (false && false) | | false
      true | | false | | false
      true | | false
  The logical And has a higher precedence over the logical OR and that is why the above expression evaluates to true.
      ( (a < b) | | (b > c) ) && ( (a >b) | | (a > c))
      (   (4 < 5) | | ( 5 > 6) ) && (   (  4 > 5 ) | | ( 5 > 6) )
       (true | | false) && (false | | false)
       true && false
To avoid unpredicted or undesirable result it is better that the parentheses are used. For those who are familiar with FORTRAN or PASCAL, the following comparison between the notations for some operators may be helpful.
           FORTRAN      PASCAL    C++
                =                       : =            =
           .EQ.                     =              = =
           .NE.                     <>            ! =
           .LT.                      <              <
           .GT.                      >              >
           .LE.                       <=           <=
           .GE.                      >=            >=
           .AND.                    and           &&
           .OR.                      or             | |
           .NOT.                    not             !
            / /                        div             /

Bitwise Logical Operator
There are certain situations wherein bitwise operations are to be performed, and this is possible in C++. The following operators are used for the bitwise logical decision making. Normally, most of the high level programming languages does not support the bitwise operations. The bitwise operators are one of the salient features of C++. The following operators can be performed using bitwise operators:
·        bitwise AND
·        bitwise OR
·        bitwise exclusive OR
·        bitwise left shift
·        bitwise right shift
·         bitwise complement
Bitwise AND
Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)
Bitwise inclusive OR
Bitwise left shift
Bitwise right shift
Bitwise complement

(a) Bitwise complement   The complement operator ~ switches all the bits in a binary pattern, that is, all the zeroes become ones and all the ones become zeros. The complement of  a pattern is often useful in signaling and controlling other devices where several different signals may be complementary to each other. The following example show how the bitwise complement works:
      Binary Pattern
    0001 0111 (8 bits)
    1110 1000
    1111 1111
    0000 0000
(a)   Shift operations The shift operations take binary patterns and shift the bits to the left or right, keeping the same number of bits by dropping shifted bits off the end and filling in with zeroes from the other end. C++ provides two types of shift operations, left shift and right shift.
(i)                 Left shift  The<<operator is used for left shifting.
Variable                Value               Binary Pattern
x                              33                     0010 0001 (8 bits)
x << 1               - the bit pattern of the x value is left shifted once.               
x = 33                and the bit pattern is 0010 0001
x << 3                the bit pattern of the x value is left shifted by thrice.
     0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
0   0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0   1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1   0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
The resultant bit pattern will be
                     0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
(ii)  Right shift  The right shift >> operator is used for right shifting.
     For y = 41, the bit binary pattern is 0010 1001
     For y >> 3, the bit pattern of the y value is right shifted by thrice.
           0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
           0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0     1
           0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0     0
           0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1     0
The resultant bit pattern will be
                  0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
(c) Bitwise logical operators  The following are the bitwise logical operators.
  • bitwise
  • bitwise OR
  • bitwise exclusive OR
(i) Bitwise AND   The bitwise AND operation will be carried out between the two bit patterns of the two operands. For example,
Binary Pattern
   x & y
   a & b
  To generate a l bit in the result, bitwise AND need a one in both numbers. Masking bits can be done using AND. The most useful part of the bitwise operations is a bitwise AND. Normally, it is called a mask operator and one may select the particular pattern as either a one or a zero and it select certain specific bits and ignores the others.
(ii)  Bitwise OR    The bitwise OR operations are similar to the bitwise AND and the result is l if any one of  the bit value is l. The symbol | represent the bitwise OR.
   For example,
Binary Pattern
   x | y
   a | b

(iii)  Bitwise exclusive OR   the bitwise exclusive OR will be carried out by the notation^. To generate a l bit in the result, a bitwise exclusive OR needs a one in either number but not both.
Binary Pattern
   x ^ y
   a ^ b

All the bitwise operators may appear with the assignment operator just like the arithmetic operators discussed earlier.

Expression         Meaning
n >>= 1               n = n >> 1
                            n will be shifted right by 1 and than assigned back to     
                            variable n         
a <<b                   a = a << b
                          the content of the a will be shifted left by the content of     
                          b and the assigned back to a
x &= 4              x = x & 4
i  ^= 4           x = x & 4
j  |= 5            j = j | 5
 Special Operators
There are some special operators used in the C++ language to perform particular type of operation. The following operators are considered as unary operators in the C++ language.

(a)  Unary operators   The unary operators require only a single expression to produce a line. Unary operators usually precede their single operands. Sometimes, some unary operators may be followed by the operands such as incrementer and decrementer. The most common unary operation is unary minus, where minus sign precedes a numerical constant, a variable or an expression.

     The following operators are the unary operators in C++:]


Contents of the storage field to which a pointer is pointing ( refer chapter 6)
Address of a variable (refer chapter 6)
Negative value (minus sign)
Negation ( 0.if value # 0, l ,if value =0)
Bitwise complement
Forced type of conversion
Size of the subsequent data type or type in byte
(i)                 Pointer operator (*)  The pointer operator is used to get the content of the address operator pointing to a particular memory element or cell.
(ii)          Address operator(&)  The address operator & is used to get the address of the other variable in an indirect manner. The pointer operator (*) and the address (&) are explained in Chapter 6 on “pointers.”
(iii)         Size of operator  The sizeof operator is used to give the direction to the C++ compiler to reserve the memory size or block to the particular data type which is defined in the structure type of the data in the linked list. This operators are explained in chapter 7 on “structures, Unions and fields.”
(iv)        Incrementer and decrementer  Two special operators are used in C++, namely, incrementer and decrementer . These operators are used to control the loops in an effective manner.
Incrementer: The ++ symbol or notation is used for incrementing by 1.
    For example,
       ++i; is equal i = i+l;
       i++; is equal to i = i+l;
  There are two type of incrementers: prefix incrementer (++i) and postfix incrementer (i + +). For the time being, let us take it that they can be used according to a programmer’s liking but there are some special condition under which these incrementers are used very particularly.

  In prefix incrementer, first it is incremented and then the operations are performed. On the other hand, in the postfix incrementer, first the operations are performed and then it is incremented. However, the result of the incremented value will be the same in both the causes.
     For example,
           i = 7;
           x = ++I;
           x = i++;
  After execution, the value of x will be set to 8.
Decrementer:  The decrementer is also similar to the incrementer. The – symbol or notation is used for decrementing.
   For example,
       --i  is equal to i = i-l
       i-- is equal to i = i-l;
   In this also there are two types of decrementers, prefix decrementer ( --i ) and postfix decrementer ( --i ).
(v)    Cast operator  There are situations,. Where some variable are declared as integers but sometimes it may be required to get the result as floating point numbers. The type provides a specific and a special way for converting one data type to the other using a cast operator.
(b)   Ternary operator (?:)  C++ includes a very special operator called the ternary or conditional operator. It is called ternary because it uses expressions. The ternary operator acts like a shorthand version of the if-else construction. The general format of the ternary operator is:
     expressionl ?expression2 : expression 3
Which results in either expression2 or expression3 is evaluated. The conditional operator is used in place of a single if-else to make an assignment.
  For Example  
       if  ( value % 2 == 0 )
             even = true
             even = FALSE;
This can be written as
       even = (value % 2 == 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
Another example would be to find the large of two number,
        if (first > second)
            max = first ;
            max = second;
This can be written as
            max = ( first > second ) ? first : second ;
(c)  Comma operator  C++ uses the comma in two ways. The first use of comma is as a separator in the variable declaration.
      int a,b,c;
      float  x,y,z;
Another use is as an operator in an expression for loop. It is explained in detail in the chapter 3 on “Control statements”.

(d)  Scope operator(::) The double colon : : is used as the scope resolution operator in C++. The scoping operator is also used in a class member function definition. The scope operator can also be used to differentiate between member of base classes with identical names. It is explained detail in the chapter 8 on “Classes and objects”.
(e) New and delete operators  in traditional C, the dynamic memory allocations and deallocations are handled through library functions such as malloc, alloc, calloc and free routines. C++ defines a new and delete operators.
(f) Other operators
   (i) Parentheses for grouping expressions
   (ii) Membership operators
Parentheses for grouping expressions ()  The precedence and associativity of each operator determines whether it takes effect before or after the next operator in an expression. Often, it is more convenient control this order of evaluation. When parentheses are put around an element of an expression, the element evaluates before anything outside the parentheses.
    For example,
    (a+b)* c wpuld cause the addiotion to be performed the multiplication, whereas a+b*c would cause the multiplication to be performed.

Membership operator  There are several kinds of variables used in C++, containing a set of values, membership operator are used, which are represented as []       ->

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