Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Character Arrays

The procedure for declaring character array is almost the same as for other data types such as integer or floating point. One can declare the character array by means of alphanumeric characters.
    The general format of the character array is,
                   storage_class character_data_type array_name [expression]
     The storage-class is optional and it may be either one of the scope of the variable such as automatic, external, static, or register; the name can be any valid C++ identifier and the expression a positive integer constant.
   For example,
        char page [40]
      char sentence [300];
      static char line [50];
   The basic structure of the character array is






   Each element of the array is placed in a definite memory space and each element can be accessed separately. The array element should end with the null character as a reference for the termination of a character array.
Initializing the character array  Like a integer and floating point array, the character array also be initialized.
   For example,
        char colour [3] = “RED”;
  The elements would be assigned to each of the character array position in the following way:
      colour [0] = ‘R’;
      colour [1] = ‘e’;               
      colour [2] = ‘D’;
   The character array always terminate with the null character, that is, a back-slash followed by a letter zero (not letter ‘o’ or ‘O’), and the computer will treat them as a single character.
   The null character will be added automatically by the C++ compiler provided there is enough space to accommodate the character.
   For example,
       char name [5] = “ravic”  // error
   The following assignment would be for the each cell,
       name [0] = ‘r’;
       name [1] = ‘a’;               
       name [2] = ‘v’;               
       name [3] = ‘i’;               
       name [4] = ‘c’;               
  The above declaration is wrong because there is no space to keep the null character in the array as a termination character and it can be corrected by redefining the above array as
       char name [6] = “ravic”  // right
   The following assignment would be for the each cell,
       name [0] = ‘r’;
       name [1] = ‘a’;               
       name [2] = ‘v’;               
       name [3] = ‘i’;               
       name [4] = ‘c’;  
       name [5] = ‘\0’;
       Following is a valid array declaration:
        char line[] = “this is a test program”         
    The square brackets can be empty, as the array size would have been specified as part of the array definition.
  A program to initialize a set of characters in an one dimensional character array and to display the contents of the given array.
    // example 5.10
   #include <iostream.h>
   void main (void)
        int i;
        static char name [5] = { ‘r’,’a’,’v’,’i’,’c’};
        cout << “Contents of the array” << endl;
        for (i = 0; i <= 4; ++i) [
              cout << “name[ “ << i << “ ] = “ name [i] << endl;
Output of the above program
      Contents of the array
     name [ 0 ] = r
     name [ 1 ] = a       
     name [ 2 ] = v       
     name [ 3 ] = i       
     name [ 4 ] = c
A program to initialize a set of character strings in an one dimensional character array and to display the contents of the array.
      // example 5.12
    #include <iostream.h>
    void main (void)
        int i;
        static char name [] = “this is a test program”;
        cout << “Contents of the array” << endl;
        for (i = 0; name [i] != ‘\0’; ++i) {
              cout << “name[ “ << i<< “] =” << name[i] <<endl;
Output of the above program
       Contents of the array
      name [ 0]   = t
      name [ 1]   = h        
      name [ 2]   = i       
      name [ 3]   = s       
      name [ 4]   =         
      name [ 5]   = i       
      name [ 6]   = s       
      name [ 7]   =         

      name [ 8]   = a       
      name [ 9]   =         
      name [ 10] = t       
      name [ 11] = e       
      name [ 12] = s       
      name [ 13] = t       
      name [ 14] =         
      name [ 15] = p       
      name [ 16] = r       
      name [ 17] = o       
      name [ 18] = g       
      name [ 19] = r       
      name [ 20] = a       
      name [ 21] = m
A program to read a line from the keybord and to display the contents of the array on the screen.
    // example 5.13
   // reading a line
  #define MAX 80
  #include <iostream.h>
  void main (void)
     char line [MAX];
     cout << “Enter a line of text \n”;
     cin.get (line, MAX, ‘\n’);      //reading a line
     cout << “output from the array” << endl;
     cout << line;
Output of the above program
      Enter a line of text
     this is a test program
     output from the array
     this is a test program
A program to read a set of lines from the keyboard and to store it in an one dimensional array and to display the contents of the array on the screen.
       // example 5.14
     // reading a set of lines
     #define MAX 80
     #include <iostream.h>
     void main (void)
         char line [MAX]
         cout << “Enter a set of lines and terminate with @ \n”;
         cin.get (line,MAX, ’@’);     reading a string
         cout << “output from the array” << endl;
         cout << line;
Output of the above program
      Enter a set of lines and terminate with @
      This is a
      test program
      by ravic
      Output from the array
      This is a
      test program
      by ravic
A program to read a set of lines from the keyboard; store it in an one dimensional array;
Display the contents of the array and the number of the characters on the screen.
    //finding the number of characters
    #define MAX 200
    #include <iostream.h>
    void main (void)
        char line [MAX];
        int nch;
        char ch;
        int number (char line [] ) ;
        cout << “Enter a set of lines and terminate with @”;
        cout << endl;
        cin.get (line,MAX,’@’);
        nch = number (line)-1;
        cout << output from the array” << endl;
        cout << line << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << “Number of characters =” << nch << endl;
    int number (char a [])
    // function to find the number of characters
        int i;
        i = 0;
        while (a [i] != ‘\0’)
        return (i);
Output of the above program
   Enter a set of lines and terminate with @
   this is
   a test
   output from the array
   this is
   a test
   Number of characters =15
A program to read a set of lines from the keyboard; store it in an one dimensional array A; copy the contents of A to an array B and display the contents of arrays A and B separately.
    For example,



    //string copy
    #define MAX 200
    #include <iostream.h>
    void main (void)
        char a[MAX], b[MAX];
        void stringcopy (char b[], char a[]);
        cout << “Enter a set of lines and terminate with @”;
        cout << endl;
        cin.get (a,MAX,’@’);
        stringcopy (b,a);
        cout << “output from the A array” << endl;
        cout << b << endl;
        cout << “output from the B array” << endl;
        cout << b << endl;
     void stringcopy (char b [], char a[])
     //copy the contents of A to B
         int i;
         i = 0;
         while ( a[i] != ‘\0’) {
               b[i] = a[i];
         b[i++] = ‘\0’;
Output of the above program
    Enter a set of lines and terminate with @
    this is
    by ravic
    Output from the A array
    this is
    a test program
    by ravic
    output from the B array
    this is
    a test program
    by ravic
A program to read a set of lines from the keyboard; store in the array A; again read a set of lines from the keyboard and store it in the array B; copy the contents of array A and array B into an array TOTAL and display the contents of arrays A and B and TOTAL separately.
    For example,




   //string concatenate
   #define MAX 200
   #include <iostream.h>
   void main (void)
       char a[MAX], b[MAX];
       void stringconcat (char total [], char b[]);
       cout << “Enter a set of lines and terminate with @”;
       cout << endl;
       cin.get (a,MAX,’@’)
       cout << “Enter again a set of lines and terminate with $“;
       cout << endl;
       cin.get (b,MAX,’$’);
       stringconcat (total,a,b);
       cout << endl;
       cout << “output from the A array” << endl;
       cout << a << endl;
       cout << ”output from the B array” << endl;
       cout << b << endl;
       cout << “output from the TOTAL array” <<endl;
       cout << total << endl;
  void stringconcat (char total[], char source1 [],
                            char source2 []
  // copy the contents of source1 and source2 to the total
      int i,j;
      i =0;
      while ( source1 [i] != ‘\0’) {
             total[i] = source1[i];
       total [i++] = ‘\0’;
Output of the above program
    Enter a set of lines and terminate with @
    this is
    a test program
    Enter again a set of lines and terminate with $
    by ravic
    of iti palghat
    Output from the A array
    this is
    a test program
    output from the B array
    by ravic
    of iti palghat
    output from the TOTAL array
    a test program
    by ravic
    of iti palghat         

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