Monday, January 2, 2012

Defining A Function

A function definition has a name, a parentheses pair containing zero or more parameters and a body. For each parameter, there should be a corresponding declaration that occurs before the body. Any parameter not declared is taken to be an int by default. It is good programming practice to declare all parameters.
     Recently compilers such as ANSIC may permit including the argument declaration within the parentheses :
     The general format of the function definition is given below.
                 funtiontype funtionname (datatype argumentl, datatype argument2...)
                       body of function

                      return something
(a) Declaring the type of a function     The function refers to the type of value it would return to the calling portion of the program. Any of the basic data types such as int, float, char etc. may appear in the function declaration. In many compilers, when a function is not supposed to return any value, it may be declaration. In many compilers, when a function is not supposed to return any value, it may be declared as type void, which informs the compiler not to save any temporary space for a value to be sent back to the calling program.
For example,
      void function_name ( . . . )
      int function_name ( . . . )
      float function_name ( . . . )      
      char function_name ( . . . )      

(b)  Function name  The function name can be any name conforming to the syntax rules of the variables. Normally, a function name is made relevant to the function operation, as it will be easy to keep a track of it, whenever a transfer of similar function is used in the main program.
  For example,
        counter  ( ) ;
        square ( ) ;
        display_value ( ) ;
        output ( ) ;

(c)  Formal arguments   Any variable declared in the body of a function is said to be local to that function. Other variables which are not declared either as arguments or in the function body, are considered “global” to the function and must be defined externally. The storage classes or scope of variables are discussed subsequently in this chapter.
   For example,
          counter ( ) ;
        square ( ) ;
        display_value ( ) ;
        output ( ) ;
(c)  Formal arguments   Any variable declared in the body of a function is said to be local to that function. Other variables which are not declared either as arguments or in the function body, are considered “global” to the function and must be defined externally. The storage classes or scope of variables are discussed subsequently in this chapter.
     For example,
              void square (int a, int b)
               / / a, b are the formal arguments

               int counter ( float xl, float x2, int y1, int y2)
               {               / / x1, x2, y1, and y2 are the formal arguments

                          return (int value) ;
               float output (void) / / function without formal argument

                        return (float value) ;

(d)  Function body  After declaring the type of a function, function name and formal arguments, a statement or a block of statements is enclosed between the beginning and the end statements. In C++, each function is declared almost like a main( ) function.
    For example,
           void all_add (int a, int c, float x, float y)
                int i, j, n ;     / / local variables , if any

A program to demonstrate a function declaration, function calling and function definition in C++.
  #include <iostream.h>
  void main (void)
      void display (void) ; / / function declaration
      display ( ) ; / / function definition
  void display (void) / / function definition
      cout << “ this is a test program \n”;
      cout << “ for demonstrating a function call\n”;
      cout << “ in C++ \n”;
  Output of the above program
       this is a test program
      for demonstrating a function call
      in C++
      The main function invokes the display ( ) function. In C++, each function is almost like a separate program. So the formal declaration such as type, being and end must be used in the function also. The control will be transferred from the main function or from a function to the called function. After it has executed all the statements in the function the control switches back to the calling portion of the program.

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